Will Insurance Pay for Massage Therapy After Car Accident?

Will Insurance Pay for Massage Therapy After Car Accident?

Insurance may cover massage therapy following a car accident, but this will vary based on the specific policy and coverage. In some cases, insurance may cover a certain number of sessions or a specific dollar amount for massage therapy as part of the injury treatment. However, it is important to check with your insurance provider…

Does Car Insurance Cover Battery Replacement?

Does Car Insurance Cover Battery Replacement?

Car insurance typically does not cover the cost of battery replacement for your car. In most cases, car insurance policies focus on providing coverage for accidents, theft, and damage caused by other drivers, rather than routine maintenance or wear and tear expenses like battery replacement. However, there may be specific car insurance policies or coverage…

What to Do If Car Insurance Company is Stalling?

What to Do If Car Insurance Company is Stalling?

If your car insurance company is stalling, take these steps: gather and organize all relevant documents, including policy details and correspondence records; promptly contact your insurance company’s customer service to inquire about the delay. Dealing with car insurance delays can be frustrating, but following these steps will help you address the situation effectively and ensure…

Does Car Insurance Cover Lawyer Fees?

Yes, car insurance may cover lawyer fees in certain situations. Car insurance policies commonly include coverage for legal expenses in cases involving accidents or lawsuits. Car insurance coverage can offer financial protection beyond just covering damages and medical expenses resulting from a car accident. In some cases, it may also cover legal costs, such as…