Oil filter is an essential kit to run your car smoothly. The best quality oil filter kits can help to prevent damage the machineries. This article aims to know about a nice oil filter to suit your car.
1. Purolator Maximum Engine Protection Oil Filter
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B01G6FPCXC” apilink=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01G6FPCXC?tag=autoloverias-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”It has 99% dirt removal power and up to 15, 000 miles.~~~Smart FUSION technology included.~~~Silicone anti-drain back valve for long-life and protection against dry starts.~~~Its BOSS steel casing provides stability for greater resistance against extreme pressure.” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Purolator Maximum Engine Protection Oil Filter[/amalinkspro]
2. Royal Purple 20-400 Extended Life Premium Oil Filter
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B003L2ZQ9E” apilink=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003L2ZQ9E?tag=autoloverias-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”100% synthetic micro-glass media included. ~~~99% filtration efficiency at 25 microns.~~~It has a high-performance silicone anti-drain back valve which prevent dry start.~~~~~~Ultra-strength filter housing included.” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Royal Purple 20-400 Extended Life Premium Oil Filter[/amalinkspro]
3. Purolator Premium Engine Protection Cartridge Oil Filter
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B001DACW02″ apilink=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001DACW02?tag=autoloverias-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”Up to 5,000 miles between oil changes.~~~Multi-fiber, high-density media featured.~~~Gasket included.~~~No metal components for easy recycling.” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Purolator Premium Engine Protection Cartridge Oil Filter[/amalinkspro]
4. Bosch Premium Oil Filter
[amalinkspro type=”showcase” asin=”B000BZIFV0″ apilink=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BZIFV0?tag=autoloverias-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1″ new-window=”true” addtocart=”false” nofollow=”true” sc-id=”4″ imgs=”LargeImage” link-imgs=”false” specs=”The use of Castrol motor oil.~~~Included FILTECH media technology which screens out more harmful contaminants. And its great for engine protection.~~~Strong steel base plates included. ~~~It has silicone anti-drainback valve. ” btn-color=”#ff9900″ btn-text=”Buy on Amazon” alignment=”aligncenter” hide-prime=”0″ hide-image=”0″ hide-price=”1″ hide-button=”0″ width=”750″]Bosch Premium Oil Filter[/amalinkspro]